Mission Statement
The mission of Hometown Bakery is to provide the community with “made fresh for you” baked goods in a small shop environment.
About Us
One year ago, on November 9, 2022, I was stepping into the unknown. For me that was store ownership. It’s a whole lot different from a residential kitchen! We had a bumpy start with early closings because we couldn’t produce enough baked goods to keep the doors open until closing time. On top of that, there were the employees who got sick at a very inopportune time!
Thanks be to God, and also some very faithful workers, we made it through the busy holiday season and entered 2023 a little older and wiser. Production became more efficient. I was delighted when some customers from week one came in and remarked on how full the shelves were! They remembered the early days.
We continue to welcome first-timers into the shop but do appreciate so very much those customers who have become regular shoppers.